Sunday, January 13, 2013


Quiet lazy Sundays. Lazing on bed and waving my limbs under the warmth of my blanket. I should be cuddling with my love one today. It's a fucking crime to be stoning by my desktop while letting a movie drones on.

And lunch. It wasn't that great nor was it that bad. Just got 2 pokemon badge from beating the gyms. Huat~

Cleared an old flick off my com titled Fired Up.
It certainly didn't really got me fired up as I'm drifting thru the movie. But do you believe in signs? Signs that lead u to something. Like the "Jeff who lives at home" sign. I get them too..

Went out to fajar for a temple visit with richard and robin. Apparently we borrowed luck from a god and it's a chinese tradition thing. We're sectioned in the 12 zodiac cycle and each year, some of these zodiac might required to borrow luck to smoothen their year which might turn out bad. So basically we're there to give thanks, or we call it return the favour.

First time in years since I kinda participated in major temple activities. But getting 10 buffs from 10 different gods? Awesome. Back to the sign story, as I entered the temple, i first looked for Guan Gong, the deity and symbol of brotherhood. Soz, it just grew in me. (What's that movie again? The one that the police force who wanted to take away the idols, but reinstate them later after something happened? Hk movie).
Stations are labelled and the number of incense to equip at each stations are shown. For the past half an hour I reckoned three of us had fun and we ended our day after ringing the bell and shouting HUAT AH

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