Saturday, October 26, 2013

about time

a beautiful film,
maybe something i can relate to,
maybe the characters just touch my soul,
maybe if only i can do it too.

a solid 8,
but i guess you don't need 3 packs of tissue to watch this show
(right back at you who said need bring 3 packs of tissue before going into the cinema)

rough date thou,
maybe it's just we're going thru the rough patch.
i'm walking home, thoughts fluttering,
what if i can time travel? and to find the right one, i would actually time travel back, and get together with each and everyone of the girl to see if i got it right?
"nah... fuck that"
i won't.

i would actually go back to the days before i met you and make things right.
maybe i can meet you earlier,
spare you from the pain,
maybe i can know you earlier,
to protect you from everything that comes,
and i swear, i would make things right, silently.

Friday, October 25, 2013

fragments of my week.

"almost been a month since i last posted here when i thought i ought to do something.
and yes,
finally the great Ronnie is now working.
nothing fantastic, just basic telemarketing, "

"life haven been kind, i guess.
still on the journey to find out what i want.
i succumbed, i savage, yet nothing comes close."

"been exercising,
went trekking one a day or 2 with Richard and i daresay, i overcome the challenge,
running became a routine,
and work comes in.
things seem to be falling in place, yet in the most stereotypical ways.
a basic work, robotic routine that brings u to and fro
been strumming alot more, watching movies, reading,"

"flipping around in bed,
tossing my fat body, struggling to oblivion.
my mind is clearly awake,
yet fatigue draws in."

"Jinx just join the league,
but we haven met thou,
guess 7.8k ip is abit too much for now.

if you're on PC, do give the latest scribblenaut a shot,
it's really fantastic."

"oh yep, and my date on cloudy with a chance of meatballs 2.
didn't see any meat balls, but definitely am in love with the marshmallows.
strawberries are still scary thou.
a solid 7 i guess.
still behind wreck it thou."

"nights when i'm wondering,
hoping for a cold beer out at some highrise building, looking down, celebrating my life, quietly.
tranquil nights, and i'm out searching for answers.
the world, is nevertheless cruel,
and we're all animals.
the hierarchy, the weak gets preyed on,
the rules are clear enough, yet we have no choice but to be subdue by the rules of the jungle."

"we're watching like crazy,
a solid movie, a solid 8.5
and i cried.
so badly,
how it feels like to be in love, yet you're so numb that you can't taste happiness anymore.
starstruck, call me a sucker for romance..."

get ready to revive your memories with pokemon origin,
an anime series released to gear fans up for the lastest installation.
spoiler: brutality of squirtle chewing on charmander
what're you waiting for?
lets catch'em all"

"& YES! pokemon xy is finally out! you guys shld definitely join the local community and start playing together,
cant wait to get my hands on my 3ds and start playing >_<"

'nights like this again,
when i'm putting up music,
goosebumps rising,
days when i'm feeling extra sensitive, to everything.
every thoughts that electrify,
my heart melt under the moon"

"days when i read my writings,
and asked myself if i'm doing it right"

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

stay strong.



淡然應付窘狀 為何還是好難
偶爾也會孤單 無數失眠的夜晚
想念你的舊創 也一樣


你眉宇還是飛揚 笑聲還是爽朗
回不去的時光 落下往日的夕陽
我還有什麼能 不一樣

  • 如果听实话 只会感伤
  • 宁愿将你的谎话 当作善良
  • 反正结局是这样 晓得细节又怎样
  • 想好聚好散 完美伪装
  • 可是被你的拥抱 击溃眼眶
  • 不愿成全 不想原谅 但自尊太好强
  • 最怕旧情人 想怜悯 的眼光
  • 爱的太逞强 无论多眷恋也不乞求不勉强
  • 不爱我的我不想 讲的洒脱却感伤
  • 总是爱的太逞强
  • 怎么你竟让我不能忘 不能放
  • 痛 还想
  • 戴上了墨镜 隔绝目光
  • 然后戴上了耳机 紧贴悲伤
  • 到人群里去流浪 也不一个人在家
  • 越苦的情歌 越要敢唱
  • 回忆最满的地方 坐一晚上
  • 不要埋藏 才能释放 虽然痛会很长
  • 爱不会留下 太容易 疗的伤
  • 爱的太逞强 无论多眷恋也不乞求不勉强
  • 不爱我的我不想 讲的洒脱却感伤
  • 总是爱的太逞强
  • 怎么你竟让我不能忘 不能放
  • 痛 还想