several terms that i'd been coining/using
ronictionary (beta)
extremely low-class slang alert.
need to rack my brains to try rmb
selis - serious?!
power - power in the means of obtaining guest list
fire & ice - 冰火九重天
panic at the disco - in a state of panic
cold fish - dull girls
formation break - group getting owned
cai - chio bu
去town kua cai - go town see chio bu
babe gazing - looking at babes
非选不可 - a game whereby players have to make a decision out of the selected babes. left right left right
fuck 你 - fuck you
naiz - nice
hunger - hungry
anger - angry
shuai ge - "shuai ge" sacarstic
baby g - baby spirit.
Micheal - male spirit
Sally - female spirit
High Level - several meaning, usually means powerful, or to obtain smth secretly
Hok - okay
Yalam - spell backwards
YK - yakult
DC - Deng Chu
DL - dulan
LD - lan duo
MKK - Mr kuku
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