Monday, April 22, 2013

Mondaze ii

Back to routine again.
Nothing beats evading monday blues with an off day. Not entirely productive, but I tried.
Tuesday come in a flash, as my 6 hours of sleep feels like a blink of an eye. - did my usual stuff, not forgetting starring at the mirror, rubbing my hand with my hand, hoping it would my make haircut better D:
This strange feeling, since a few days back. I don't know why, it feels like something that I couldn't contain. Or maybe something I could ever contain.

A sudden realization about importance of time, about the short amount of time we have. Yes, I badly wanted to do something. I was multi tasking like crazy, reading a lot of random articles here and there, any information I can take in and shark on. Well, almost everything, just here and there. Not gonna jinx anything else, oh wells. Just want to be constantly productive.

Planned out my week as usual, and I might not been even to squeeze a run into my schedule. Birthday of my 2 lifetime brothers, and my anniversary.
MON: off, meet adel
TUE: birthday dinner w/ clement
WED: ktv!
THURS: dinner w/ army bros
FRI: anniversary
Down I go, down the grassy slope..
With the increasing number of construction site around my area, the difficulty of getting into 961 went to an all new high as well. A lot more foreign talent took up space in the bus, I'm talking like 3 full bus in a row and I'll have to be like fucking fighting to get up.
It's a fucking chore to even get up the bus.
"Midweek comes tomorrow"
Mantra of the week: "peace is bliss"

I'm quiet today. Unexpectedly quiet. My mind was filled with never ending questions. Throw in some mood music. The excitement from yesterday.. Will something comes out of it? I'll really try not letting any ounce of my negativity diminish my opportunity, my motivation. I sat by, quietly scribbling on the papers.
Why is it such that, one moment u seem to realize what you wanted, but only to found that thoughts disappearing all of a sudden later.

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