Monday, April 2, 2012

Rainy monday 020412

It's the first monday of april 2012, and I'm certainly not enjoying it. Not the monday blues, and certainly not the rain..

With the traffic crawling, I looked out to the heavy rain. How am I suppose to go thru this? I wondered. The winds are extremely big and the rains belt against my wooden door of my tiny little hdb flat. Such days would be best used to sleep, or enjoying a hot coffee @ the league.

But there I am, ironically, steering my umbrella against the wind, as if I'm an amateur pirate fighting against the huge storm. I hold onto the metal structure carefully, steering it against the wind as any wrong move might literally destroy the umbrella, given the strength of the wind. Despite reaching early, the bus stop's crowded, traffic's slow..

Still stuck on the bus which is stuck on the road.. I do love going to camp late, but given this pace, I would rather I be at the comforts of my camp.
Stucked w/ the people of my time zone, with most of them throwing occasional glances at their watches. Giving each other the, fark I know I'm blardy late k face. That's why I dread rain.. It puts things out of routine, despite being the most emotionally attached weather.


Still stucked. I could see people getting impatient as it's about an hour. Young adults, jc students tweeting in disgust, where the old looked out into the rain, taking things easy.

Reached the bottom of the hill @ 8 plus and I squeal in delight when there's still shuttle bus service, specially indented for us due to the rain.

Glad boss's mood's good and we're not fuck or going to get fucked in any manner. And with random work here and there like an internet pop ups, thereby concludes my monday..

Looks like it's not that blue after all!
Back to the league~ can't wait for the new champion rotation tmr.
_the end


{Sent from my BlackBerry.}

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