Monday, March 5, 2012

Seated in some random corner, oblivious to my surrounding. It's wednesday today. It's my duty day. It's leap year today.

The bus came quickly, I reach early, seems like I'm ahead of schedule. But I could only count down from 24 hours after 530pm. Not in my funky self today, was probably purge with fatigue that I'd purposely indulge myself with so I could sleep more on my duty day. Slept at 230am and I'm half dead by evening.

The choice of choosing between the hot stuffy room or moving the mattress to the office annoys me. I'm lazy and the office's crowded. But yet retreating to the hot stuffy room does seem like the best option. But the atmosphere is even worst then sleeping outside despite having installed numerous fans.


I'm lonely. Alone. Even monkeys came out, dating by the road, giving a free screw show or plucking insects out of each other's hair while the other party nua-ed on the road.
Feels like I'm being teased on this one.


Then I slept..
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