Monday, March 5, 2012


Was playing BLUE by big bang as I was tucking my lace to my boots and all.. Yea, it's the first Monday of the month~

Mondays are always coated with blue as usually as I woke up with a bad ache on my back.
Set a 5 mins timer and I tried to lie facing up, arching my back and giving it a few strong knocks at It, as if repairing an old problematic machine.

Then I thought of you..
Mornings are always like that for me and I would marvel at how amazing/powerful would one's presence or even existent can do. I wish you were here, I always do..
It's magic for humans to feel like that, just that little bubble of thought floating in our mind that's so vivid but so strong at the same time that it won't pop. This thought that gives me extra strength to live, to look forward to tmr or even pushes me to strive.

Powerful, yet intangible. As if created by our thoughts, invisible by others.


Though still stressed by it. I'm okay with by life right how. How simple those routine would be. But still suffocating by the culture of my department.. It might seem okayish for most people. But sign-ing extra that easily is only the tip of the iceberg. But with a fierce and "strict" boss might make it all seems to be us training to walk on a tight rope in a circus and lashing sounds could be heard from the circus headmaster, whipping his whip onto the ground, as if hitting us, and of course scowling at any slightest mistake we could've make that would spoil the show.


"She never came.."

I waited :3
(now playing raspberry field - she was right)


Maybe its the blues.
Feeling down. Guess ill end it like this~
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