Monday, March 26, 2012


I'm sorry.

I'd hurt you again.

I know I'd fucked up.

I know.

You're not here, and I missed you.

I traced your face, it was cold. Ur seamless hair rest upon your shoulders, your smooth neck and collar bone, as I breathed in..

You're all I needed and I'm all you had. The thought of me always being the receiving haunts me till now.. I haven't been a good lover and you're always giving.. Putting in effort, but me, the years had grinded me jaded. Shabby, lazy.

Thoughts of apologies swarm my mind as I lay down on my bed, flipping around as I'm slapped by insomnia. I'd screwed up again..


Before I know it, it's alrdy morning.

And before I knew it, I'm on my way home, with a bad headache due to stress and a pair of sore and fatigue eyes.
I hate breaking last minute promises. And I know it's very last minute.. I didn't wished for it either..

My social links too.. It's growing.. But it's way too fast and beyond my imagination now. Cliques after cliques. I'd join in far too many groups and I know I couldn't have the best of both worlds.. Time to manage my social links too..




Anyways before I leave, anyone'd got dota 2 invites??! If you're looking for a not so regular player cos I'm still stuck in the league. U can always pop by my profile and ping me for a game~ search blue pills.


Just so you know, you mean a world to me.

{Sent from my BlackBerry.}

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