Wednesday, March 21, 2012


U flap your feather less body, bald from birth. I can still see the pink in your flesh, with the shape of your skeletal, drawing out the distinct figure of you. You scream silently, calling out to your parents as you blindly opened your mouth, waiting to be fed. I saw your soft beak, very soft, moving together with the little muscle that seems to be taking its toll as you stretch your beak weakly. You're no bigger than the size of my thumb.
You're breathing heavily, panting, as if struggling to survive. You're being bought to this world, unknown, naïve, your just on your first step to adapt to earth.

Yes. I'm watching a baby bird.


I would never expect that within the gigantic concrete slabs of flats would this tiny weeny greenish bird would find its comforts of its nest in one of those ceramic bonsai of my neighbor. Marveled by such occurrence. I went to look at this oddity located at the far end of my corridor. Everyday I saw its mother harvesting the egg, rubbing the egg with its pale yellow body, waiting for these little kindle surprise which is no bigger than the nail of my index finger to hatch into life.

Everyday, I watch, amazed by how an animal can spend it's day while humans could only complain despite given such a powerful brain to store memory, display emotions, and thus inventions come into play.


Everyday I watch, being a cute timid mother, she would always flutter away when we get too close. I saw her slept I saw her rest, in the nest which surround her like a mini float. This is one humble mum, I thought.

And one day, it hatched. I looked, but was overwhelmed by sadness as I realize there's only 2 eggs, different from the usual 4. What could have happened I thought. Mum told me that months ago, this little bird, had her bundles of joy eaten by another bird, probably its predator, stealing its happiness from her. For once, I wanted to understand them, those little species of things that we came across during our everyday lives, oblivious to its new surrounding. Buildings were erected, instead of trees. Seems like humans are the one who invaded to this territory of the animal kingdom, altering the way of the food chain.

Fear crept into my mind as I saw the now nest having its 2nd member in the house. The wind blew and I saw the bonsai dance weakly amongst the wind.. It's weak, I prayed for no storm under this young one learn how to fly...


midweek came in a flash, and there I took my fair share of holiday as I'm spending the night with my loved ones. Doing a saturday duty last week, I felt as if I'm stuck in weekdays.. Half day off for my medical appointment today, and I was dreading how to spend it...


My noise filled up the office and we laughed like uncivilized soldiers, as if we'd won a medal. Was on high form today and I actually could felt myself easily reviving my rowdy persona amongst the 'dicks-only' environment. Given any presence of pussy I would have shrunk my balls. Spewing words of humor and vulgar I was inevitably termed the joker of (my dept) after the outburst of my persona. You got no idea how quiet and timid I use to behave, giving only a humble nod and giving appropriate comments every now and then. Compared to then, I'm uncivilized, speaks like a barbarian, or behaving like a brat.
people there were nice thou. I'm well taken care off and I'm glad I wasn't bestowed any great responsibility which I might screwed up of.

Only bad side might be the culture and saturday duties, but come to think of it, 24 sats in 2 years, so it might not be that bad as it seems. Culture wise, the jungle is like walking on a tight rope, so... I still couldn't determine my fate yet.


Time flies before I knew it and I'm chattering with almost everyone. Half excited, I'm also half reluctant to leave as my bros wanted me to stay. I like how brightly the sun shines after the storm in the jungle. With my now strengthen social links I'm prepared for the tests in tartarus. For now..
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