Tuesday, March 5, 2013


My dearest brother.
One of my dearest brother,
A brother whom I'll stand by at his wedding, shaking his hand as he receive the girl of his dreams at the chapel.

We sat there.. Together, sipping coffee, waiting for an answer that never seem to come. I don't know how long we would be sitting there for but seems like it won't be anytime soon.

The leap of faith, the girl that'll indefinitely change your life. The girl that you're suppose to look for. The girl who'll be in your all, came to your life, like fairy tale, appearing to be the one that you'd been looking for. We rejoice the good ol' days, we look back at how it really could have been better if the princess didn't have cold feet.

Why.. Why?? Would she go back and succumb to salvery when she could elope to the city of dreams with the prince? That.. We'll never know..

But brother, you would be fine. You will find happiness, answers.. And peace.


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