Sunday, May 5, 2013


Finally we have our group date.
Been going on about this for quite sometime since C came into our circle and conversations, so I guess it's time to meet my sister-in law

Before I go on any longer, I would like to extend my sincere apologies to V for letting you play the engergiser-cum-duracell lightbulb. D:


Been ages since we had any early day meet up time.
got up early,
and i had to stop Adel from trying to climb into the mirror before we're anymore late!
so guess we sort of stick to our plans and the 5 of us headed to popeyes before going into the artscience museum. 2nd time into it and i'm still kinda overwhelmed by it, despite our local mummy exhibition is a much mellowed down one compared to the one in british. So after a mindblowing 30 mins 3D documentary, we're all set to unravel the mysteries of the mummmmmyyyy~
that, u should see for yourself, but how can we forget the unsung exhibition?
we stumbled upon the project presentation from NTU's very own school of art, design and media.
Trees that read your mind frequency?
Indoor sundiam?
they'd got it all.
all of it.

Vash left shortly after and it's just the 2 couples.
After the ice cream break for the girls,
we move to our next destination.

how i miss the cathy being "our" cinema,
watching their reels since years back, occasionally popping in their affordable yet tasty mixed popcorn while having our feets on the couch of the couple seats.
ahh, i love cathy.
Sorry GV, i love you too

I swear we won't be having such an early dinner if not for adel's bottomless stomach,
but i enjoyed my plate of teriyaki chicken with fries and wedges @ ashton's cathy.
after what it seem, a long dinner, random chit chats and a bottle of root beer,
it's time for


i haven been overwhelmed by any movies in the year 2013, but all i can say,
trust me, it's worth a watch.
i'd give it a 4.5/5.

a perfect heist.
the beautiful twist.
an enticing ending.

it's not easy to throw the audience off their seat,
down into this spiral journey and leave them with something more than just the plot after an hour and a half, but trance have done it, so tactfully when you didn't even notice it in your mind.

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