Monday, February 27, 2012


Here we go, come with me. There's a world out there that we should see.
Take my hand, close your eyes. With you right here, I'm a rocketeer~


It seems like my world had been taken to the abyss of space. This weekend totally seemed so surreal, so vague.

I totally wasted my Saturday. Yes, wasted. Not drunk wasted. Literally wasted. Rooted to the com, I did nth much accept, sleeep eat play. Some sort of enjoyment isn't it?

If there's anyone that I didn't know of, playing league of legends, please contact me (: I just migrated to SG server months ago, from the US server duh~

If you guys are on SG, feel free to add: Ritsuki
& if you're playing the US server, please do enlighten me; I can't seem to play there. (That's why I migrated)
Yes, SG ftw, I do feel home. But I do really means playing with the Caucasians. Chancing upon random asians, life there was good when u can find games within 30sec to a minute.

Yes, rooted to my com chair, lifeless. Yes lifeless. Just sleep and slack. Probably its because of the slack that drains the life out of me.


I wondered what went wrong.
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