Sunday, December 30, 2012


Hello there,

My precious social link. You're my everything. Literally? Yes literally. I would be lying if I say otherwise.
How old we are, ancient. We'd came a long path, we sure have.

Time stopped for a moment, and thinking abt fate and destiny... What if we're never meant to be? We lost it, what if we're meant to end it? Like ending it while things are not ugly, calling this curtain while there's still joy in the show?
This random epiphany hit me, in a weird way. Somehow bringing me to understand why is it possible for some couples to end off while they're happy. maybe these memories are what that should be left. And it wouldn't be as bad as things turning ugly.


I'd got to go. We're standing at ur doorstep, and we exchange farewells. I could see your eyes swell. Those tears of bliss that I'm bathing in..

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