Monday, August 12, 2013

Wisdom teeth I (R)

I thought I would better document this down. Alittle hilarious, more of a dark comedy if you were to put it.

As a boy with many fears, my fears come from when I'm young, the fear of dying if you miscue the fireman's pole in the playground, fear of height, water, and the list goes for a long time and I'm pretty sure it'd bored you out.

Long story short, within our national service, there's a loophole for this mini rite of passage that most guys would go thru before they ORD; the wisdom teeth extraction.

Yes, if we must do it, and it's free, most people does it as this is the period when wisdom teeth are formed. I experienced slight pain in chewing and little did I know I had 4 wisdom teeth that had to be plucked, and being a guy with a list of fears, I chose to go with GA, the once that would knock u out and before you know it, tadah!

In a series of events, I ended up having to do LA @ ttsh.

I always thought that ttsh is very far, inaccessible and all, but little did I know, it's just a stone throw away from the nearest mrt station (novena). And there's even an underpass that brings you right to the door step.

I ended up climbing the stairs as the lift are always full, after a 15minutes wait, I decided to bail and took the stairs instead. Situated at the 6th storey, I was a good 40 minutes early and I went on with the usual administrative procedure, the registration and so forth. Time flies when in fear and before I know it, I was called in and did my blood pressure check before heading into the theatre. And the mi see laugh at lim peh when I say I'm scared :(

I know how u guys like to tell patient everything's gonna be alright but.. :( the pain begin when there's several injections are done to the gum, I tried my best to sleep with my mouth opened, but I failed. I ended up pinching my hands to distract me from then pain.

"Na ma eh chee bye, pain till I thought the operation is over alrdy"

But everything had just began..

I was blindfolded, covered up with several cloth and I can feel the apparatus laid neatly onto my chest and my 1 peck belly. A few jabs was even when I decided to ask my doctor how do u know whether can I feel the pain.

Oh wells, and there wasn't much pain. Drilling and pulling begins and I could feel the pressure being applied into my gums and teeth.

"Quick! Keep think of something"

"I imagined a switch room when I off the nervous system,"

"I swear I sang nursery rhythms in my heart when it took place. Teletubbies, barney.. When it drown in the loud drilling sound of the machine."

"I tried blocking off the noise, talking to myself while trying to keep my mouth open"

"I imagined I doing what I like"

"I shouted ord lo"

"I imagine me swimming in bank notes in my luxurious bath tub"

"Me sipping beer while enjoying the view in my future home"

"Back to singing teletubbies song"

"Sang alittle of land before time when I cursed myself for forgetting the lyrics"

I was also swinging my legs, lifting them up every now and then. Wildly I guess o_o pcb machiam filming exorcism.

And with a final pull, my teeth was out.
Could totally feel the stitching and the strings when they pull and maneuver it swiftly across my mouth.

And fuck, the top teeth. One more to go wtf?

but it came out before I could finish singing the teletubbies song.

And comes the stitching. Asked for a facemask since I'll be public transporting back. Waiting for my medication now, hope all goes well...

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