Wednesday, January 15, 2014

울어본 적 있나요 ?

have you ever cried?

ZIA(지아) _ Have You Ever Cried(울어본 적 있나요)

i was literally surprised on youtube today as i'd not been following the korean entertainment industry for sometime. Not entirely a fan of just kpop, people who know me know my awfully awkward and diverse for music, and for korea, i do go for some jazz, house, ballad, folk, alternative and indie.
Yes, huge variety of genre there, but why just get a piece of the pie when you can get everything?

Not exactly an accurate analogy, but anyone who wanna try something new
should definitely give Zia a listen.

have you ever cried?
for someone you love?
or many for someone you had loved,
Zia's one of the many ballad singers out there with a beautiful voice.
very much underrated i would say, but her songs are well written that we could relate to,
maybe not us, as we're not korean so we couldn't like, you know, relate directly.
but i would have to give it to them for coining in so many beautiful songs.

this is an emotional piece that would get you by,

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