Thursday, January 23, 2014

a thousand years

"it's been awhile"

the days, 
the depth,
the passing train,
the fleeting cityscape,
when you vanished.

how it breaks me, 
the boiling blood in my arteries, 
breeding butterflies in my stomach
my heart, pounding at it's door, 
we're back to where we started.
are we? 

there're nights like this, 
days that i looked out, 
contemplating about the thousand weaving fate,
wait, no.. millions?
intersecting, forming the fabric of destiny, 
i thought about nature, the law of the world, 
the balancing scale of justice,
the modern food chain in the concrete jungle,
the value of life and death
yet no one have the ultimate rights to take it away.

so what're we all living for?

make it count,
go out there, 
embrace the unknown,
live for yourself for once,
let it go, 
that's what i would say.

but end of the day,
not everyone will soar
people, holding onto the steel linings on the cage, dangling upon our concrete jungle, 
starring at the ruins.
the infinite forever, will indulge us all.

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