Friday, January 1, 2010


Since we ended new year in a bad way, why not start a new year with a best way? - Ronnie Tan

set a goal, but side tracked -.-
anyways, i'm up at 4, and working on my HRF project now. i hope things goes well, last year was crapped. and due to my 2.6 GPA last year, it spoiled my 3.0 streak -.-
so anyways, i'm in this group in HRF, where i know NO ONE, NO ONE inside. A friendless class sucks and well everyone's had got their friends so i gave up socializing. Anyways, and i'm in this group which i don't know who the hell are they. Well i hope they realize my existence cos' i went to fidn out their names and mail them via student dom. (NP EMAIL) hope they checks -.-
fortunately we manage to hit it off and start off our proj. (: that's a good sign.

Movies out later?
new year cfm must pua stunt one, either movie or karaoke.

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