Wednesday, February 25, 2009

the stun gun

oh well, my final exam's finishing real soon.
and i'm all up on the final paper. ELS.
i'd like to confess here, (it's a rant)
that i'm so friggin' stressed up right now,
any idea how to squeeze one sem worth of info right into your head in a day?
well, i really'd got no idea.

woke up not as well,
but at 11 AM, do some relaxing breathing in exercise before heading back to my bed.
oh well, i'm running away from reality.
words of regret got into me for not studying so much yesterday and i would have to finish up the rest of the things today.
got no idea, how to get it done.
i'd lost my pace and i'm not hastening my speed.

& is there such an alien who like to eat like...
"i like to POKE a fork through the middle and hold it up like a lollipop
that way I FEEL VICTORIOUS for some warped reason."
LOL -.-

before i go, i sincerely pray that,
this module won't pull my GPA down.
and oh well, i really regret, having the whole lot of fun and skipping lectures.
): it's that bad isn't it?
oh well, hitting the books soon,

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