Friday, February 20, 2009


Woke up rather late today, oh well it's friday.
i'm on the edge of my seat as my exams is on the next week.
monday, tuesday and thursday.

was slacking at home through the noon,
and i was lazy to get food from downstairs so i just grab some oero cookie together with fresh milk to keep my stomach full.
well, as i didn't got any proper meals, i ran out of energy pretty quick
and i wasn't studying, but slacking and all.
my brains can't seem to concentrate and everything.

well, would like to show you guys some pictures of Bukit Panjang.
ohh well, it's kinda like some photographic shots,
anyways it's only a few picture :) will post up more next time!

pardon me, i'm just feeling so random today XD

"what makes photography unique is that, taking from some particular angle that brings you to know at things from a different perspective" (:
just what i think anyways.

also, been reading up on quite afew quotes today,
so here's my favourite!

Life is a sexually transmitted disease and the mortality rate is one hundred percent. -R.D. Laing

Life is just one damned thing after another. -Elbert Hubbard

In three words I can sum up everything I've learned about life. It goes on. -Robert Frost

Our attitude toward life determines life's attitude towards us. -Earl Nightingale

& finally my favourite. :D

Do not dwell in the past, do not dream of the future, concentrate the mind on the present moment. -Buddha

And one of my own.

Life for man, is walking the harsh paths with 2 balls dangling underneath, and dying with the 2 balls, still intact -Ronnie Tan

will be meeting up the brothers again for dinner, let's see how the day goes XD

went out to meet them for naked fish,
everyone except kunda,
kunda i hope ur grandpa will get well soon (:
tsk tsk tsk, head back home to slack it.
was trying to type some essay for Adel.
wahhh her handwriting cmi lah,
sribble here scribble there, arrow up arrow down.
like treasure map you know?

bwahahah if i teacher i cfm write one big cross! ><

ok la was surfing net when this caught my eyes!
hope u guys find it funny XD

bwahahaha i keep laughing as it is so stupid.
still got emoticons.
what an epic fail!

anyways going off already!

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