Sunday, January 11, 2009

work peace

well, ages since i'd blog.
pages of life and death keep flipping in my head i guess.
been addicted to the latest PC game, titled left 4 dead.
it is a multiplayer online game featuring 4 survivors to fight their way through the army of undead.
it's epic, meanwhile add the dramatic music, it is just right.
however, i guess valve never fails to make things better (: meanwhile waiting for their new production.

well, was kinda add home for the whole day i guess (:
catched the movie ponyo with Adel thou, the show is an epic success i guess.
the drawings and everything, since the producer is famous for "making" children fairytales animation movie, this is also yet another success.
well, over with that, head back and left 4 dead with my mates.
geez, top it up with a 4 hour nap, my imagination took flight.
was thinking about world peace, well, the world could save up so many resource if there isn't such thing. Isn't it?
counting on the innocent lives that they forsake, the nature and the environment.
this world, isin't getting any better yet.

and i'm 1 week off from my usual holiday mood.
shall get up from my dreams and continue working hard.
however am getting a new com after new year =/ this certainly got my gaming genes rumbling (:

ciaos CHEERS (:

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