Thursday, May 17, 2012


just bored, and wanted to hit something... life's just like routine. mundane, just like any other calm sea. the jungle's silent, and silence itself had it's own way of flaunting it's beauty. the beauty of nothing. just like a clean sheet of white paper. just what i need. life isn't that hard now that i think of it. there's lot of areas i have to work on, looks of "decision-math" that i need to do. calculating the best time for taking MA, Offs and all is enough to keep me busy. and of course, doing real work. & recently, im caught up by this unusual fatigue. got tired recently, dozing off extra easily. am i old ? and no matter how, laziness still stays in me. it's like as if it's human nature to be lazy. # FML (you just wasted 2 minutes of your time for reading this unnecessary chunk or random typing)

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