Friday, May 4, 2012


I'm actually typing this in the midst of the jam. Unfortunately, my bus's caught in this screwed up jam which I thought, won't be coming in our way as I'm ahead of the clock.
Traffic's hectic now and with all the slow forward and break's killing me.

The air of thursday. Isn't that great. Surprisingly, I'm reluctant to go for my MA today. Once in a millionth. My social links are all messed up and I ought to do something about it.


Wednesday end on a okay note, but.. I just can't help waking up, feeling all emotional about it. As if I'm heaving my legs, chained to a thousands regrets of what could have happen if..

what could have happen if I knew you early?
what could have happen if I didn't turned into a monster?

And a thousands of such hypothetical questions that lead us to daydream, be it for a happy ending or no..


The road is surprisingly clogged and curious people are constantly starring out to the road, at this chain of endless cars queuing up, not knowing what went wrong. There I am, sucked in vehicle TIB569J stamping my fingers onto my keyboard to kill time. Apparently it's not working very well with all the momentary jerks which always brings me back into reality.

With 20mins stucked in the bus, we concluded the jam with an end scene of a motor being crashed into a honda. Guess that's what ruined our day. Ruined mine, big time.


Back to my story, with traffic going smooth, guess I'd got a lot of things to do. To manage things...

_the end


{Sent from my BlackBerry.}

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