Tuesday, July 12, 2011


double or triple layered dream today.
it's still kinda vivid.

rest at home cos' had a day out yesterday.
so i just lay down at home, waking up at 2, and hoping for lunch.
didn't get my hopes up since it's 4 then, and i just ate chips and cookies waiting for dinner.

can't believe all happened in a span of 2 hours.
got so fucking tired that i missed the 6pm's music bank.


i always enjoy dreaming & somehow usually i'm in control to carry out actions & all and today's pretty much fresh
surreal feeling and in i went, it all started out in a classroom, where some guys and i planned an expedition out to some random country, train travelling's the in thing and we decided to travel by train and explore the gigantic plateau.
Somehow we know that it might be dangerous and all since there're people missing their rides, and got lost.
but travel agency always provide this "customer service" thingy, inwhich if you were to miss your ride, u can always get onto another ride, or u still can get back to your country. by flashing the proof of purchase card u're covered of all travelling expenses via train for the trip back home.

so there we go.
but there wasn't any concrete places where we stayed so it felt pretty weird still..
we travel to a variety of places, and i remembered london :D fanciful hotel doors and it's beautiful city-scape. it's more like a class trip, but happiness doesn't last long.
nightmare arises as soon as 5 of our mates got missing. *doing headcount and realises* but there's this system so we didn't worried.
stop at England or Britain where we went over to 7-11 for a 15 mins break.
get the drinks and stuff, and derrick and i sort of horse around by the counter.
and yes, we missed the train..

so we waited and waited..
saw a train coming down and derrick say he'll run ahead to check first, but since it looked pretty far away and somehow it's downstairs. i waited for awhile and god knows why and how i jumped out of the window and onto the train, i zipped in by the window and i was astound by weird natives before my eyes.
by then the train'd started going & there's no sight of derrick at all.

i tried pleaded for the conductor to get me down, but outside i saw seas of blue and green.
probably no way to get down. It's a train from china, going to some countries for war. Would take 1 month before they return (when i can transfer). I'm dying inside but there's this strange girl in purple who told me to get used* to it.

what comes after is a month a epic drama which i don't seem to rmb. At least i rmb i ran in a bulletstorm.
and alas' i'm out.

>>> layer 2.
awoke up in some chalet like dormitory, it's early in the morning and some of our gangs are up.
some of us are brewing coffee and beverages, while others sat by the dining table talking and stuff.
i kinda overhead kunda recounting his experience and apparently we shared the same dream..

*phone calls*
it get's sorta fuzzy and it went back into semi conscious mode

>>> layer 2.5
happens after awhile, and this is super real.
i was closing my eyes, half asleep when i heard the door open, someone putting things down and all.
i thought it was adel, and i was literally beaming inside when i thought she came over and visit me. so after all that, i can feel someone climb onto the bed, lying next to me. i faintly open my eyes and saw a solitude but it all ends when i tried to hug her

was too seh to feel wtf but fuck this shit.
anws. i guess it's because we haven't met for ages.

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