Friday, January 18, 2008


well, i didn't wake up for quest today.
cos ytd night i accidentally set my phone on silent mode.
obviously i woke up, cursing myself.
well, then i meet Kunda at 7.20 AM or something.
he was already waiting at my block LOL !
well, we both went off the Senja Grand to order sometake away.
we feast at my hse, then proceeding to my room to watch the latest bleach episode.
he went off not long after that.
to attend to his personal matters.

well, well.
i don't really feel like sleeping at first.
then my mind gave in to the struggle...

it was already 4 when i woke up.
look at my handphone screen, what i saw jolt me back to reality almost instantly.
there's a whole list of miss calls.
well, i reluctantly got up to my feet, and start dialing the numbers.
Shandy gave me a call, tell me that there's a job.
it's at tomorrow, and sun.
well, i thought it was cool at first. But, arghs! i have to attend to ngee ann's open house tomorrow.
but i end up shaking off the idea of it.
well, it's better to go poly right =D
looks better too =D
well, thanks Shandy =D

and Kelvin had send me a whole list of aroma crap =D
haha thanks too =D
and yea happy quiting !

i went to on my com.
started to play dota as it's a quiet day.
the usual msn ping sound is not on at all.
i off my msn, and went on to dota.
till 7. then i went to watch kinship.
arghs mei xue died. =(

then i went to play another match.
well, i was kinda owning at first. =D
but the opponent was rather strong.
we lost in the long struggle.
yea ! 9.06 PM.
watched the golden path.
why is that so.
well it's abt the "LU" (road or path)
of the HUANG
and JIN family !
well, this suddenly come to my mind.
cool ain't it =D
hmmm hope some roads doesn't gets too extreme in the later days.

i went on back to my com.
been using it and thinking alotta things.
i got emo. (alil')
and i wrote it down.
here's the quote.

Love is like a rose, because of it's thorns, it's painful to hold on.
It's painful.

-Ronnie Tan

no pics for today, sorry.
i could have got the pic of dawn at senja =D
well, cheers (:
i'll give a good report on Ngee Ann Poly tmr.
seeya (:

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