Saturday, March 15, 2014

Why You Should Listen to Something New?

As a person who listens to a wide genre of music, 
i'm always caught in awkward situations when i'm recommending something exotic, or when my itunes shuffles hits something foreign.
It's either they go "whatttttt~" or i'll ended up having to switch to a more "human" track, like Titanium (can never go wrong with titanium)

Call it stereotypical, call it social stigmas,
but we know most of us revolve around that few genre of music in society these days.
Long gone are the days for classicals, 
There're loads of genre of music around, and if you haven't try them all or you're saying you're not a music person,  
trust me, you're missing out in life.
& here're some more benefits to give you reason to try out something new!

Reduce Blood Pressure
Music, helps reduce blood pressure, studies had shown that a 30 mins dosage of classical, celtics or raga music can help reduce high blood pressure.

Improve Creativity
Music is the sweet spot for creativity, i'm sure you know it too(:
And there's a whole string of benefits for creativity that goes down to it.

Gets you moving
Music will keep you moving, motivated, or maybe spur you on another extra set of cardio
This Study showed that cyclists who listened to music required 7% less oxygen to do the same work as those who cycled in silence.

Stretch Boundaries
You'll feel good, having trying out more music genres, and if you finally found a friend who share you taste, trust me, you guys will be talking like long lost friends before you know it.

You'll People Watch Better
Sounds totally weird, but having opened up to more genre of music, you'll obviously have more emotional perspective when it comes to life, and back to the creativity point, and it's a really useful lifeskill for saving a dying conversation that's going nowhere.

Music is Culture
Classical Music, Foreign Music, Folklores or House music they all begets culture. Be it listening to soprano in a threatre in venice, listening to broadway, going to the ultra music festival in Seoul or heading to tomorrowland. Culture is one significant add-on that makes music special, and you can never deny that.

Your Brain always Embraces something new
When interacting with something new and out of your comfort zone, as foreign as it seems, your friend will associate perspective to it, love it or hate it as you may, but you deserve a medal for trying something new

& here's 2 more points from Eastday that i felt that it's useful to share~

Music improves memory performance
The power of music to affect memory is quite intriguing. Mozart's music and baroque music, with a 60 beats per minute beat pattern, activates the left and right brain. The simultaneous left and right brain action maximizes learning and retention of information. The information being studied activates the left brain while the music activates the right brain. Also, activities which engage both sides of the brain at the same time, such as playing an instrument or singing, cause the brain to be more capable of processing information.

Music enhances intelligence, learning and IQ
The idea that music makes you smarter received considerable attention from scientists and the media. Listening to music or playing an instrument can actually make you learn better. And research confirms this. 


So why just let music defines you when you can return the favor?
go out there, try some new genre and who knows, maybe it'll shape who you are, change how you see things, or maybe a huge load of undiscovered goodies out there. 
treat it as a journey of self discovery and i'm sure this is something that you'll never regret. YOLO~

here's one whole album to get you going.

Siri Nilsen is a very talented Norwegian singer & songwriter who also can plays the ukulele, guitar and piano. Do give her Folk and Pop songs a go (: 

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