Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Quote of the day.

"We are what we pretend to be, so we must be careful what we pretend to be."
– Kurt Vonnegut

I&E's good today.
i go there pretty much empty handed as there's introduction period.
well, i might be smart, but thinking of how things work, can be pretty lazy.
we 're suppose to plan events and get it down.
and P.S. we're pretty much all by ourselves.
it all ended just after an hour, after some retarded passing the fish game.

i manage to get my books today, thanks to the new timetable i'd print.
apparently (:
costly indeed, you could've seen our faces when we where awed by the thickness of the books.
and there's 2 volumes for valuation.
i hastily carried the books back, updated my posb book and also check the card.
yes additional $800 X)
for a celebration, i hailed down to plaza, and got a box of takoyaki to celebrate.
yup, i'm all by myself
hurried back home later,

Tuesday is blowing by rather slowly, however... Wednesday and Thursday only makes my head heavy.

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