Monday, September 7, 2009


7/9, our initial tampiness plan was changed.
ended up with 6 Bros, Vash, Jino, Kun, Kelv, Xav and i over @ iluma for a lan session.
it's a 4-2.
so well basically the 4 of them head over to nazi zombie.
while me and kelv crash into deathmatch @ Sudden Attack.

tried this pretty game as well :)
i kinda wanted to review abit on this.
Prototype, taking the concept of GTA, however combining a great story line for players to follow.

however, incorporates lots of fighting and nice graphics, a pretty decent camera view to capture all ur actions in the one small screen.
shapeshifting, bestow a sense of freshness, giving the game an awesome 4/5.
it's worth to try, :D

here's 3 minute of game play. Enjoy ^^

a pretty decent game to get (:
an well, i suppose it could be a good way of let out,
raging your mouse, punching anyone throwing anything and slamming and smashing almost whatever that you can see.
alas, home sweet home.

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