Friday, July 26, 2013


mixed feeling.
how should i feel right now?
a chance to break away from the defaulter's life?

a life full of debts,
tied down by the bank loan,
working everyday, slogging for your family,
selling your car because you know the math,
ended up tying your kids to ruffia strings, and board the bus, while praying that it wont flip.
you'll probably ended up pulling your hair while drowning your screams in a noisy pub not knowing while your life is so fucked up.

i dont know,
whether am i of quality,
whether does this orthodox fraternity would open up the gates of my life.
am i thinking too small?
i don't know,
i know how much i crave to succeed,
but nevertheless, it's all those little bits of sprinkles that i'm looking at,

what's your next move?

define success,
i would probably define it by doing something i like.
when you do not hate your job,
when i can wake up early in the morning, make breakfast for my kids,
bacon and eggs,
then i would kiss my wife awake,
drive them all to work, to school,
beating to the music in my car while i turn back to the aisle of my home in my simple car.
back to the comforts of my home, i turn on my laptop and get to "work" while sipping a beer.

how much of these would come true?

1 comment:

Gerald said...

Brother, when you see what you want. Go for it. Make it happen cause at the end of the day. We only have ourselves to count on.